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Lalita Panchakam - In sanskrit with meaning

- composed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya

ललिता पञ्चकम् - प्रातः स्मरामि ललितावदनारविन्दं
Lalita Panchakam - Pratah Smarami Lalita Vadana Aravindam
Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
Devi Lalita Tripurasundari

प्रातः स्मरामि ललितावदनारविन्दं
विम्बाधरं पृथुलमौक्तिकशोभिनासम्
आकर्णदीर्घनयनं मणिकुण्डलाढ्यं
मन्दस्मितं मृगमदोज्ज्वलभालदेशम् ॥१॥
Praatah Smaraami Lalitaa-Vadana-Aravindam
Vimba-Adharam Prthula-Mauktika-Shobhi-Naasam |
Aakarnna-Diirgha-Nayanam Manni-Kunnddala-[A]addhyam
Manda-Smitam Mrgamado[a-U]jjvala-Bhaala-Desham ||1||

1.1: In the Early Morning, I Remember the Lotus Face of Devi Lalita Tripurasundari,
1.2: (The Lotus Face on which) The Lips are (Red) like Bimba Fruits, and the Nose is adorned with Large Pearls,
1.3: The large Eyes are stretching upto the Ears, and the Ears are richly decorated with Gem-studded Ear-Rings,
1.4: The Face is lit with a Gentle Smile and the Forehead is shining with the Musk of the Deer (Kasturi),


Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
प्रातर्भजामि ललिताभुजकल्पवल्लीं
पुण्ड्रेक्षुचापकुसुमेषुसृणिदधानाम् ॥२॥
Praatar-Bhajaami Lalitaa-Bhuja-Kalpavalliim
Rakta-Angguliiya-Lasad-Angguli-Pallava-[A]addhyaam |
Punnddrekssu-Caapa-Kusume[a-I]ssu-Srnni-Dadhaanaam ||2||

2.1: In the Early Morning, I Worship the Arms of Devi Lalita Tripurasundari which are like Wish-Fulfilling Creepers (Kalpavalli),
2.2: (The Arms on which) The Fingers are like shining Sprouts and are richly decorated with Red Finger-Rings,
2.3: The Arms are adorned with Golden Bracelets studded with various Gems,
2.4: The Arms are holding a Bow of Sugarcane, Arrows of Flowers and an Ankusha (Goad).


Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
प्रातर्नमामि ललिताचरणारविन्दं
भक्तेष्टदाननिरतं भवसिन्धुपोतम्
पद्माङ्कुशध्वजसुदर्शनलाञ्छनाढ्यम् ॥३॥
Praatar-Namaami Lalitaa-Caranna-Aravindam
Bhakte[a-I]sstta-Daana-Niratam Bhava-Sindhu-Potam |
Padma-Angkusha-Dhvaja-Sudarshana-Laan.chana-[A]addhyam ||3||

3.1: In the Early Morning, I Salute the Lotus Feet of Devi Lalita Tripurasundari,
3.2: (The Lotus Feet which are) Engaged in granting the wishes of the Devotees, and (finally) like a Boat make them cross the Ocean of Samsara (Worldly Existence),
3.3: (The Lotus Feet which are) Worshipped by Padmasana (Lord Brahma seated on Lotus) and other leading Suras (demi-gods), ...
3.4: ... and richly endowed with the Auspicious marks of Padma (Lotus), Ankusha (Hook), Dhwaja (Flag) and Sudarshana Chakra (Discus),


Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
प्रातः स्तुवे परशिवां ललितां भवानीं
त्रय्यन्तवेद्यविभवां करुणानवद्याम्
विश्वस्य सृष्टिविलयस्थितिहेतुभूतां
विद्येश्वरीं निगमवाङ्मनसातिदूराम् ॥४॥
Praatah Stuve Para-Shivaam Lalitaam Bhavaaniim
Trayyanta-Vedya-Vibhavaam Karunnaa-[A]navadyaam |
Vishvasya Srsstti-Vilaya-Sthiti-Hetu-Bhuutaam
Vidyeshvariim Nigama-Vaang-Manasa-Ati-Duuraam ||4||

4.1: In the Early Morning, I Eulogize the Auspicious Nature of Lalita Bhavani which is beyond the mind,
4.2: (The Auspicious Nature) Whose Majesty, Compassion and Spotless Purity can only be comprehended by understanding the Vedanta, ...
4.3: ... and which is the cause of Sristhi (Creation), Vilaya (Dissolution) and Sthiti (Maintenance of Creation) of this Universe,
4.4: (The Auspicious Nature) Which is Consciousness embodied as Goddess, and which is beyond what the Scriptures can express, Speech can refer to, and Mind can think about,


Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
प्रातर्वदामि ललिते तव पुण्यनाम
कामेश्वरीति कमलेति महेश्वरीति
श्रीशाम्भवीति जगतां जननी परेति
वाग्देवतेति वचसा त्रिपुरेश्वरीति ॥५॥
Praatar-Vadaami Lalite Tava Punnya-Naama
Kaameshvari-Iti Kamale[a-I]ti Maheshvarii-[I]ti |
Shrii-Shaambhavii-[I]ti Jagataam Jananii Pare[a-I]ti
Vaagdevate[a-I]ti Vacasaa Tripureshvarii-[I]ti ||5||

5.1: In the Early Morning, O Devi Lalita Tripurasundari, I utter Your Holy Names, ...
5.2: ... (which are) "Kameshwari", "Kamala", "Maheshwari", ...
5.3: ... Sri "Sambhavi", "Jagat Janani", "Para", ...
5.4: ... "Vagdevi" of speech and "Tripureshwari",


Devi Lalita (Lalitha) Tripurasundari
यः श्लोकपञ्चकमिदं ललिताम्बिकायाः
सौभाग्यदं सुललितं पठति प्रभाते
तस्मै ददाति ललिता झटिति प्रसन्ना
विद्यां श्रियं विमलसौख्यमनन्तकीर्तिम् ॥६॥
Yah Shloka-Pan.cakam-Idam Lalitaa-[A]mbikaayaah
Saubhaagya-Dam Sulalitam Patthati Prabhaate |
Tasmai Dadaati Lalitaa Jhattiti Prasannaa
Vidyaam Shriyam Vimala-Saukhyam-Ananta-Kiirtim ||6||

6.1: He who (recites) these Five Slokas of Mother Lalita Tripurasundari, ...
6.2: ... which bestows good fortune and is charming to listen to; (He who) recites these in the Early Morning, ...
6.3: ... To him Mother Lalita bestows, being instantly pleased, ...
6.4: ... (She bestows) Vidya (Knowledge), Sri (Prosperity), Pure Happiness and Endless Fame.


Note: Click over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
Click here to open the meanings in a new window.

Translated by greenmesg

Sri Adi Shankaracharya
Stotras by Sri Adi Shankaracharya in this site:

01. Achyutashtakam
02. Annapoorna Stotram
03. Bhavani Ashtakam
04. Devi Aparadha Kshamapana Stotram
05. Dakshinamurthy Stotram
06. Ganesha Pancharatnam
07. Ganga Stotram
08. Jagannathashtakam
09. Kalabhairava Ashtakam
10. Kalika Ashtakam
11. Kamakshi Stotram
12. Kanakadhara Stotram
13. Lakshmi Nrisimha Karavalambam
14. Lalita Panchakam
15. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
16. Narmadashtakam
17. Nirvana Shatakam
18. Pandurangashtakam
19. Pratah Smarami
20. Ranganathashtakam
21. Sharada Bhujangam
22. Shiva Manasa Puja
23. Shiva Panchakshara Stotram
24. Shiva Pratah Smaran Stotram
25. Shivashtakam
26. Subramanya Bhujangam
27. Vedasara Shiva Stava
28. Vishwanathashtakam
29. Yamunashtakam

Bharatavarsha - The Land of Gods and Sages:

1. Stotras
2. Scriptures
3. Pilgrimages
4. Festivals
5. Saints: Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Ramana
6. Sadhana
7. Sanskrit
8. Nature

Meditations on Earth, Life and Dharma: >>

Om, May there be Peace in Heaven,
May there be Peace in the Sky,
May there be Peace in the Earth,

(Shanti Mantra of Upanishad)

Preserve Nature,
And Nature will preserve Us,
Simplify Life,
And help Nature thrive,
Plant Trees,
And make our planet Green.

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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Jan-2025

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