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Agni Suktam - Agnim Iille Purohitam - In sanskrit with meaning

- from Rig Veda - Mandala 1 - Sukta 1

अग्नि सुक्तम् - अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम्
Agni - Om Agnim-Iille Purohitam Yajnyasya Devam-Rtvijam

अग्निमीळे पुरोहितं यज्ञस्य देवमृत्विजम्
होतारं रत्नधातमम् ॥१॥
Om Agnim-Iille Purohitam Yajnyasya Devam-Rtvijam |
Hotaaram Ratna-Dhaatamam ||1||

1.1: Om, I praise Agni who is the Purohita (Priest) of the Yagya (Sacrifice) (Priest leading the Sacrifice), (as well as) its Ritvij (Priest performing Sacrifice at proper times); the Yagya which is directed towards the Devas,
1.2: Who is (also) the Hotara (Priest invoking the Gods) and the bestower of Ratna (Wealth of physical, mental and spiritual plane).


Agni of Yagya
अग्निः पूर्वेभिर्ऋषिभिरीड्यो नूतनैरुत
देवाँ एह वक्षति ॥२॥
Agnih Puurvebhir-Rssibhir-Iiddyo Nuutanair-Uta |
Sa Devaa E[Aa-I]ha Vakssati ||2||

2.1: Agni was in former times praised by the Rishis, and (is still praised) now (at present times),
2.2: (O Agni) Along with the Devas. grow in this place (i.e. bring the Devas here).


Agni of Yagya
अग्निना रयिमश्नवत्पोषमेव दिवेदिवे
यशसं वीरवत्तमम् ॥३॥
Agninaa Rayim-Ashnavat-Possam-Eva Dive-Dive |
Yashasam Viiravat-Tamam ||3||

3.1: From Agni (the Rishi) indeed obtains Nourishment Day after Day (by performing Inner Yagya Day after Day),
3.2: (By the Power of Agni the Rishi obtains) Glory of the most Heroic type (Glory obtained by overcoming the inner barriers during Sadhana).


Agni of Yagya
अग्ने यं यज्ञमध्वरं विश्वतः परिभूरसि
इद्देवेषु गच्छति ॥४॥
Agne Yam Yajnyam-Adhvaram Vishvatah Paribhuur-Asi |
Sa Id-Devessu Gacchati ||4||

4.1: O Agni, that (Inner) Yagya symbolised by performing the Adhvara (Outer Yagya), pervades the Sky all around (when it is done with an expansive heart for the welfare of all in your presence),
4.2: (That) goes towards the Devas.


Agni of Yagya
अग्निर्होता कविक्रतुः सत्यश्चित्रश्रवस्तमः
देवो देवेभिरा गमत् ॥५॥
Agnir-Hotaa Kavikratuh Satyash-Citrashravastamah |
Devo Devebhir-Aa Gamat ||5||

5.1: Agni is the Hota (Invoker) who is Far-Sighted (with Wisdom) and is uniquely Famed for sticking to the Truth (i.e. Who understands the true motive behind the Yagya and give fruits accordingly),
5.2: May that Deva (Agni) come here with the (other) Gods (and make the Yagya successful).


Agni of Yagya
यदङ्ग दाशुषे त्वमग्ने भद्रं करिष्यसि
तवेत्तत्सत्यमङ्गिरः ॥६॥
Yad-Angga Daashusse Tvam-Agne Bhadram Karissyasi |
Tave[a-I]t-Tat-Satyam-Anggirah ||6||

6.1: O Agni, whichever part of the Worshipper you make Auspicious (i.e. Purify),
6.2: (There) Your Truth indeed is infused, O Angira (Agni).


Agni of Yagya
उप त्वाग्ने दिवेदिवे दोषावस्तर्धिया वयम्
नमो भरन्त एमसि ॥७॥
Upa Tvaa-[A]gne Dive-Dive Dossaa-Vastar-Dhiyaa Vayam |
Namo Bharanta Emasi ||7||

7.1: Near your presence, O Agni, day-after-day, with our Intelligence clouded in darkness, we ...
7.2: ... come, and offer you Reverential Salutations (so that our Intelligence gets Illumined).


Agni of Yagya
राजन्तमध्वराणां गोपामृतस्य दीदिविम्
वर्धमानं स्वे दमे ॥८॥
Raajantam-Adhvaraannaam Gopaam-Rtasya Diidivim |
Vardhamaanam Sve Dame ||8||

8.1: The bright (Sacrificial Fire of the) Yagyas, the Protector of the Rita (Divine Truth) are shining, ...
8.2: ... and increasing the Illumination within our own Houses (i.e. within our own Hearts).


Agni of Yagya
नः पितेव सूनवेऽग्ने सूपायनो भव
सचस्वा नः स्वस्तये ॥९॥
Sa Nah Pite[aa-I]va Suunave-[A]gne Suupaayano Bhava |
Sacasvaa Nah Svastaye ||9||

9.1: O Agni, like a Father to a Son, become (easily) accessible to us,
9.2: And support our Well-Being.


Note: Click over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.
Click here to open the meanings in a new window.

Translated by greenmesg


Nature Listen to Chanting:
Agnim Iille Purohitam (Chanted by Sri Sangubhatla Anantha Kishore)

Mantras from Vedas & Upanishads:

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti Shanti Mantras:
Om Asato Ma Sadgamaya
Om Bhadram Karnebhih
Om Purnamadah Purnamidam
Om Sahana Vavatu
Om Sarvesham Swastirbhavatu
Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Om Shamno Mitrah Sham Varunah
Om Vang Me Manasi Pratisthita
Om Dyauha Shantirantariksha Shantihi

Vedic Suktas / Mantras:
Ambhasyapare Bhuvanasya Madhye (Mahanarayana Upanishad 1.1)
Apah Suktam (RV 10.9)
Bhoomi Sukta Excerpts (AV 12.1)
Durga Suktam (Mahanarayana Upanishad)
Ganapati Atharvashirsha (Ganapati Upanishad)
Gayatri Mantra (Yajur Veda)
Kshetrapati Suktam (RV 4.57)
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (RV 7.59.12)
Om Gananam Tva Ganapatim (RV 2.23.1)
Purusha Suktam (RV 10.90)
Saraswati Mantras (Rig Veda 1.3.10 to 1.3.12)
Sri Suktam (RV appendices)

Bharatavarsha - The Land of Gods and Sages:

1. Stotras
2. Scriptures
3. Pilgrimages
4. Festivals
5. Saints: Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Ramana
6. Sadhana
7. Sanskrit
8. Nature

Meditations on Earth, Life and Dharma: >>

Om, May there be Peace in Heaven,
May there be Peace in the Sky,
May there be Peace in the Earth,

(Shanti Mantra of Upanishad)

Preserve Nature,
And Nature will preserve Us,
Simplify Life,
And help Nature thrive,
Plant Trees,
And make our planet Green.

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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Jan-2025

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