श्रीशुक उवाच
ततश्च पौगण्डवयःश्रीतौ व्रजे
बभूवतुस्तौ पशुपालसम्मतौ
गाश्चारयन्तौ सखिभिः समं पदैर्
वन्दावनं पुण्यमतीव चक्रतुः ॥१॥
Shrii-Shuka Uvaaca
Tatash-Ca Pauganndda-Vayah-Shriitau Vraje
Babhuuvatus-Tau Pashupaala-Sammatau
Gaash-Caar-Ayantau Sakhibhih Samam Padair
Vandaavanam Punnyam-Atiiva Cakratuh ||1||
Sri Shuka said:
1.1: Then, when they
attained Boyhood in
Vraja, ...
1.2: ... they
became Cowherds by the
approval of elders,
1.3: For
tending the
Cows, they
wandered along with their
Friends; and with their
Feet ...
1.4: ...
made Vrindavana exceedingly Holy.

तन्माधवो वेणुमुदीरयन्वृतो गोपैर्गृणद्भिः स्वयशो बलान्वितः
पशून्पुरस्कृत्य पशव्यमाविशद्विहर्तुकामः कुसुमाकरं वनम् ॥२॥
Tan-Maadhavo Vennum-Udiirayan-Vrto Gopair-Grnnadbhih Sva-Yasho Bala-Anvitah
Pashuun-Puraskrtya Pashavyam-Aavishad-Vihartu-Kaamah Kusuma-
[A]akaram Vanam ||2||
2.1: There Madhava raised His
Flute (and played melodious tunes); He was
surrounded by the
Gopas (Cowherds) who
Praised Him; and He was
accompanied by
2.2: Keeping the
Cows in
front of their
Food (to graze), they
entered the
Forest to
enjoy their Pastimes; The
Forest abounded with

तन्मञ्जुघोषालिमृगद्विजाकुलं महन्मनःप्रख्यपयःसरस्वता
वातेन जुष्टं शतपत्रगन्धिना निरीक्ष्य रन्तुं भगवान्मनो दधे ॥३॥
[A]akulam Mahan-Manah-Prakhya-Payah-Sarasvataa
Vaatena Jussttam Shata-Patra-Gandhinaa Niriikssya Rantum Bhagavaan-Mano Dadhe ||3||
3.1: That Forest was
filled with the
charming Sounds of
Bees and that of various
Animals and
Birds; And it
abounded in
Lakes whose clear and still
Waters were like the
visible embodiments of the
Minds of the
Great Souls,
3.2: Pleased with the touch of the
Winds which were
Fragrant with the Sweet Smell of
Hundred-Petalled Lotuses, and
seeing the Pure and Clear
Lakes (with the Lotuses growing over them),
Bhagavan held in His
Mind this Nature of Vrindavana and decided to enjoy it further.

स तत्र तत्रारुणपल्लवश्रिया फलप्रसूनोरुभरेण पादयोः
स्पृशच्छिखान्वीक्ष्य वनस्पतीन्मुदा स्मयन्निवाहाग्रजमादिपूरुषः ॥४॥
Sa Tatra Tatra-Arunna-Pallava-Shriyaa Phala-Prasuuno
[a-U]ru-Bharenna Paadayoh
[A]nviikssya Vanaspatiin-Mudaa Smayann-Iva-Aha-Agrajam-Aadi-Puurussah ||4||
4.1: He there,
all around Him, saw the
Beauty of the
Reddish Buds and Trees
heavily-laden with
Fruits and
Flowers, bowing to almost touch His
4.2: Seeing the
Vanaspatis (Forest Trees)
Joyfully lowering their
Heads to
touch His Feet, the
Primordial Lord smiled at His
Elder Brother.

अहो अमी देववरामरार्चितं पादाम्बुजं सुमनःफलार्हणम्
नमन्त्युपादाय शिखाभिरात्मनस्तमोऽपहत्यै तरुजन्म यत्कृतम् ॥५॥
Aho Amii Deva-Vara-Amara-Arcitam Paada-Ambujam Sumanah-Phala-Arhannam
Namanty-Upaadaaya Shikhaabhir-Aatmanas-Tamo-
[A]pahatyai Taru-Janma Yat-Krtam ||5||
Sri Bhagavan said:
5.1: Ah! See, how
these Trees, O
Devavara (Great God) are
offering Flowers and
Fruits at Your
Lotus Feet; the Feet which are
worshipped by the
Immortal Devas,
5.2: They are
bowing down at Your Feet
by bending their
Heads to
remove the
darkness of their
Soul, which (i.e. the darkness) they
acquired by taking
birth as

एतेऽलिनस्तव यशोऽखिललोकतीर्थं
गायन्त आदिपुरुषानुपथं भजन्ते
प्रायो अमी मुनिगण भवदीयमुख्या
गूढं वनेऽपि न जहत्यनघात्मदैवम् ॥६॥
[A]linas-Tava Yasho-
Gaayanta Aadi-Purussa-Anupatham Bhajante
Praayo Amii Muni-Ganna Bhavadiiya-Mukhyaa
Guuddham Vane-
[A]pi Na Jahaty-Anagha-
[A]atma-Daivam ||6||
6.1: (Look)
These Bees are singing
Your Glories; Your Glories which pervade
all the
Worlds like a
6.2: They are
singing Your Glories and
worshipping You, O
Adi Purusha (Primordial Lord), by
following You in Your
6.3: Most likely these Bees are
Sages and
Your Chief Devotees, ...
6.4: ... (that is why) they are not
abandoning You,
even in this
Secret Forest; for You are their
Sinless Istha Devata (the Lord they worship in their Heart).

नृत्यन्त्यमी शिखिन ईड्य मुदा हरिण्यः
कुर्वन्ति गोप्य इव ते प्रियमीक्षणेन
सूक्तैश्च कोकिलगणा गृहमागताय
धन्या वनौकस इयान्हि सतां निसर्गः ॥७॥
Nrtyanty-Amii Shikhina Iiddya Mudaa Harinnyah
Kurvanti Gopya Iva Te Priyam-Iikssannena
Suuktaish-Ca Kokila-Gannaa Grham-Aagataaya
Dhanyaa Vanau
[a-O]kasa Iyaan-Hi Sataam Nisargah ||7||
7.1: These Peacocks are
dancing and the
Deers are moving around
Joyfully as if to
Praise You,
7.2: They (i.e. the Peacocks and the Deers) are
looking at
You with
affection like the
7.3: The
Cuckoos are singing Your
Hymns returning to their own
7.4: Blessed are the
Forest dwellers living in the midst of such
Sacred Nature.

धन्येयमद्य धरणी तृणवीरुधस्त्वत्
पादस्पृशो द्रुमलताः करजाभिमृष्टाः
नद्योऽद्रयः खगमृगाः सदयावलोकैर्
गोप्योऽन्तरेण भुजयोरपि यत्स्पृहा श्रीः ॥८॥
[a-I]yam-Adya Dharannii Trnna-Viirudhas-Tvat
Paada-Sprsho Druma-Lataah Karaja-Abhimrssttaah
[A]drayah Khaga-Mrgaah Sadaya-Avalokair
[A]ntarenna Bhujayor-Api Yat-Sprhaa Shriih ||8||
8.1: Blessed is
She now, the
Earth, Whose
Grasses and
Shrubs ...
8.2: ... has been
Touched by Your
Feet; whose
Trees and
Creepers has been
Touched by Your
Hands, ...
8.3: ... whose
Rivers and
Mountains, and
Birds and
Animals has been Touched by Your
Merciful Glances, ...
8.4: ... and
moreover, whose
Cowhed Girls has been embraced by You
within Your
Arms; the Touch which is
eagerly desired even by
Sri (Goddess of Fortune).

श्रीशुक उवाच
एवं वृन्दावनं श्रीमत्कृष्णः प्रीतमनाः पशून्
रेमे सञ्चारयन्नद्रेः सरिद्रोधःसु सानुगः ॥९॥
Shrii-Shuka Uvaaca
Evam Vrndaavanam Shriimat-Krssnnah Priita-Manaah Pashuun
Reme San.caarayann-Adreh Sarid-Rodhahsu Sa-Anugah ||9||
Sri Shuka said:
9.1: In this manner, at
Vrindava, the
beautiful Krishna,
delighted by the Natural Beauty (of Vrindavana Forest), tended the
Cows and ...
9.2: ...
wandered about in the
Mountains and
River Banks,
rejoicing with His

क्वचिद्गायति गायत्सु मदान्धालिष्वनुव्रतैः
उपगीयमानचरितः पथि सङ्कर्षणान्वित ॥१०॥
Kvacid-Gaayati Gaayatsu Madaandha-Alissv-Anuvrataih
Upa-Giiyamaana-Caritah Pathi Sangkarssanna-Anvita ||10||
10.1: Sometimes Krishna
sang following the
singing of the
Bees, which were
intoxicated (by drinking the honey from flowers),
10.2: He
sang and did various
acts on the
way accompanied by Sankarshana (Balarama).

अनुजल्पति जल्पन्तं कलवाक्यैः शुकं क्वचित्
क्वचित्सवल्गु कूजन्तमनुकूजति कोकिलम्
क्वचिच्च कालहंसानामनुकूजति कूजितम्
अभिनृत्यति नृत्यन्तं बर्हिणं हासयन्क्वचित् ॥११॥
Anujalpati Jalpantam Kala-Vaakyaih Shukam Kvacit
Kvacit-Sa-Valgu Kuujantam-Anukuujati Kokilam
Kvacic-Ca Kaalahamsaanaam-Anukuujati Kuujitam
Abhi-Nrtyati Nrtyantam Barhinnam Haasayan-Kvacit ||11||
11.1: Sometimes Krishna
made sounds imitating the
melodious voice of the
11.2: Sometimes the
Beautiful Krishna
cooed imitating the
11.3: And sometimes He made
sounds imitating the
11.4: While
sometimes He
danced imitating the
Peacocks and made everyone

मेघगम्भीरया वाचा नामभिर्दूरगान्पशून्
क्वचिदाह्वयति प्रीत्या गोगोपालमनोज्ञया ॥१२॥
Megha-Gambhiirayaa Vaacaa Naamabhir-Duuragaan-Pashuun
Kvacid-Aahvayati Priityaa Go-Gopaala-Manojnyayaa ||12||
12.1: With a
deep voice like that of
Clouds and taking the
Names of the
Cows which have strayed
far away, ...
12.2: ...
sometimes He
called them near with
pleasing with His voice both the
Cows and the
Cowherd boys.

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Translated by greenmesg