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Descent of Ganga - In sanskrit with meaning

- from Srimad Bhagavatam (5.17)

Descent of Ganga: from Srimad Bhagavatam
Devi Ganga
Devi Ganga

श्रीशुक उवाच
तत्र भगवतः साक्षाद्यज्ञलिङ्गस्य
विष्णोर्विक्रमतो वामपादाङ्गुष्ठनख
निर्भिन्नोर्ध्वाण्डकटाह विवरेणान्तःप्रविष्टा
या बाह्यजलधारा
Shriishuka Uvaaca
Tatra Bhagavatah Saakssaad-Yajnya-Linggasya
Vissnnor-Vikramato Vaama-Paada-Anggussttha-Nakha
Nirbhinno[a-U]rdhva-Anndda-Kattaaha Vivarenna-Antah-Pravissttaa
Yaa Baahya-Jaladhaaraa

Sri Shukadeva said:
1.1: Then Bhagavat (the Godhead) Who is the visible Yagya Linga (the deity of the yagya to whom all oblations go) ...
1.2: ... Sri Vishnu, took the great stride (as Trivikrama), and with the nail of the thumb of His Left Foot, ...
1.3: ... pierced the upper shell of the Brahmanda (Universe); Then, from that opening entered ...
1.4: ... the Stream of Water (of Ganga) from outside (the Brahmananda);


Devi Ganga
तच्चरणपङ्कजावनेजन अरुणकिञ्जल्कोपरञ्जित
अखिलजगदघमलापहा उपस्पर्शनामला
साक्षाद्भगवत्पदी इति अनुपलक्षितवचः
Tac-Caranna-Pangkaja-Avanejana Arunna-Kin.jalko[a-U]paran.jita
Akhila-Jagad-Agha-Mala-Apahaa Upasparshana-Amalaa
Saakssaad-Bhagavat-Padii Iti Anupalakssita-Vacah

1.5: (That Water of Ganga) Washed that Lotus Feet (of Sri Vishnu) which was Reddish in Colour like the filament of Lotus...
1.6: ... (and by) directly touching that Pure (Feet of Vishnu), (became) the remover of the Sins of the entire World,
1.7: She came to be known as "Bhagavat Padi" (or "Vishnu Padi"), ...


Devi Ganga
अभिधीयमाना अतिमहता कालेन
युगसहस्रोपलक्षणेन दिवो मूर्धन्यवततार
यत्तद्विष्णुपदमाहुः ॥५
Abhidhiiyamaanaa Ati-Mahataa Kaalena
Yuga-Sahasro[a-U]palakssannena Divo Muurdhany-Avatataara
Yat-Tad-Vissnnu-Padam-Aahuh ||SB 5.17.1||

1.8: ... and was considered thus since very old times,
1.9: After thousand Yugas, She descended on the head of the Sky (i.e. Dhruvaloka), ...
1.10: ... She, Who is called Vishnu Padi,


Devi Ganga
यत्र वाव वीरव्रत औत्तानपादिः परमभागवतः
यामनुसवनमुत्कृष्यमाण भगवद्भक्तियोगेन दृढं
क्लिद्यमानान्तर्हृदय औत्कण्ठ्यविवश
Yatra Ha Vaava Viiravrata Auttaanapaadih Parama-Bhaagavatah
Yaam-Anusavanam-Utkrssyamaanna Bhagavad-Bhakti-Yogena Drddham
Klidyamaana-Antar-Hrdaya Autkanntthya-Vivasha

2.1: Here indeed (i.e. at Dhruvaloka where river Ganga has descended), firm in his vows, the son of king Uttanapada (i.e. Dhruva Maharaj), who is the most excellent Devotee,
2.2: (Thinking) "This is the water coming from the Lotus Feet of our Kula-Devata (Sri Vishnu)",
2.3: With constantly increasing (Devotion), by steady flow of Bhakti towards God (Sri Vishnu),
2.4: And the interior of the Heart moist (melting) with spontaneous Yearning;


Devi Ganga
अमीलितलोचनयुगल कुड्मलविगलितामलबाष्पकलया
अभिव्यज्यमान रोमपुलककुलकः
अधुनापि परमादरेण शिरसा विभर्ति ॥५
Amiilita-Locana-Yugala Kuddmala-Vigalita-Amala-Baasspa-Kalayaa
Abhi-Vyajyamaana Roma-Pulaka-Kulakah
Adhunaa-[A]pi Parama-[A]adarenna Shirasaa Vibharti ||SB 5.17.2||

2.5: With the pair of Eyes Half-Open, from which Tears of Pure (Love) is flowing, as if emanating from Flowers, ...
2.6: ... and manifesting as ecstasy making the Hairs of the Body stand,
2.7: (In such a state) Even today, with great Reverence, Dhruva Maharaj is bearing the river Ganga on his Head (while constantly meditating on the Feet of Sri Vishnu from where the river has emanated).


Devi Ganga
ततः सप्त ऋषयस्तत्प्रभावाभिज्ञा यां ननु
तपस_आत्यन्तिकी सिद्धिरेतावती भगवति सर्वात्मनि
Tatah Sapta Rssayas-Tat-Prabhaava-Abhijnyaa Yaam Nanu
Tapasa_Aatyantikii Siddhir-Etaavatii Bhagavati Sarvaatmani

3.1: There (i.e. below Dhruvaloka), the Saptarshis (Seven Great Sages), indeed knowing the great efficacy of Her (i.e. of River Ganga in reaching Vasudeva, since She flows from His Feet), ...
3.2: ... (Vasudeva Who is) The Supreme culmination of all Tapas, the greatest Siddhi (Spiritual accomplishment), Bhagavati (Divine Godhead) and Sarvatmani (Residing as the Soul of all),...


Devi Ganga
वासुदेवेऽनुपरत भक्तियोगलाभेनैव
मुक्तिमिवागतां मुमुक्षव इव
सबहुमानमद्यापि जटाजूटैरुद्वहन्ति ॥५
Vaasudeve-[A]nuparata Bhaktiyoga-Laabhenai[a-E]va
Muktim-Iva-[A]agataam Mumukssava Iva
Sabahumaanam-Adya-Api Jattaajuuttair-Udvahanti ||SB 5.17.3||

3.3: (The Saptarshis) Meditate on Vasudeva uninterruptedly, to commune with Him through Bhakti Yoga alone, ...
3.4: ... Disregarding all other paths which leads towards Atman, ...
3.5: ... such as attaining Mukti through Mumukshava (Intense desire for liberation), ...
3.6: (The Saptarshis) With great reverence even today carry Ganga on their Matted Hairs (and meditate on the Lotus Feet of Vasudeva from where Ganga flows),


Devi Ganga
ब्रह्मसदने निपतति ॥५
Brahma-Sadane Nipatati ||SB 5.17.4||

4.1: From there (i.e. from Saptarshiloka), riding on many thousand crores of Celestial Spacecrafts (i.e. through celestial passageway), ...
4.2: ... (River Ganga) descend on the sphere of the Moon, and flowing unimpeded...
4.3: ... Falls on the abode of Lord Brahma,


Devi Ganga
तत्र चतुर्धा भिद्यमाना
सीतालकनन्दाचक्षुर्भद्रेति ॥५
Tatra Caturdhaa Bhidyamaanaa
Siitaa-[A]lakanandaa-Cakssur-Bhadre[a-I]ti ||SB 5.17.5||

5.1: There (i.e. at the abode of Lord Brahma), River Ganga divides into four parts,
5.2: It assumes four names and flows in four directions, ...
5.3: ... (And finally) Enters into the husband of all Rivers (i.e. into the Ocean),
5.4: (The four branches of River Ganga are) River Sita, River Alakananda, River Cakshu and River Bhadra,


Devi Ganga
सीता तु ब्रह्मसदनात्केसराचलादिगिरिशिखरेभ्यो
ऽधोऽधः प्रस्रवन्ती गन्धमादनमूर्धसु पतित्वान्तरेण
भद्राश्ववर्षं प्राच्यां दिशि क्षारसमुद्रमभिप्रविशति ॥५
Siitaa Tu Brahma-Sadanaat-Kesaraacala-[A]adi-Giri-Shikharebhyo
[A]dho-[A]dhah Prasravantii Gandhamaadana-Muurdhasu Patitva-Antarenna
Bhadraashvavarssam Praacyaam Dishi Kssaara-Samudram-Abhipravishati ||SB 5.17.6||

6.1: River Sita flows from the abode of Brahma to Kesarachala and other mountain peaks, ...
6.2: ... And flowing downward falls on the top of the Gandhamadana mountain, and then falls within, ...
6.3: ... Bhadrashvavarsha, and thereafter flowing in the eastern direction enters into the Salty Ocean,


Devi Ganga
एवं माल्यवच्छिखरान्निष्पतन्ती ततो ऽनुपरतवेगा
केतुमालामभि चक्षुः प्रतीच्यां दिशि सरित्पतिं प्रविशति ॥५
Evam Maalyavac-Chikharaan-Nisspatantii Tato Anuparata-Vegaa
Ketumaalaam-Abhi Cakssuh Pratiicyaam Dishi Sarit-Patim Pravishati ||SB 5.17.7||

7.1: In this way, falling on the top of the Malyavan mountain, and then with uninterrupted force, ...
7.2: ... flowing towards Ketumalavarsha, River Cakshu flows in the western direction and finally enters into the husband of all rivers (i.e. the Ocean),


Devi Ganga
भद्रा चोत्तरतो मेरुशिरसो निपतिता
गिरिशिखराद्गिरिशिखरमतिहाय शृङ्गवतः शृङ्गादवस्यन्दमाना
उत्तरांस्तु कुरूनभित उदीच्यां दिशि जलधिमभिप्रविशति ॥५
Bhadraa Co[a-U]ttarato Meru-Shiraso Nipatitaa
Giri-Shikharaad-Giri-Shikharam-Atihaaya Shrnggavatah Shrnggaad-Avasyandamaanaa
Uttaraams-Tu Kuruun-Abhita Udiicyaam Dishi Jaladhim-Abhipravishati ||SB 5.17.8||

8.1: The river Bhadra falls from the top of Mount Meru from the northern side, ...
8.2: ... And jumping from one peak to another it flows on the peak of Mount Sringavana, ...
8.3: ... And thereafter flowing towards north on the land of Kuru enters the Ocean.


Devi Ganga
तथैवालकनन्दा दक्षिणेन ब्रह्मसदनाद्बहूनि गिरिकूटान्यतिक्रम्य
हेमकूटाद्धैमकूटान्यतिरभसतररंहसा लुठयन्ती
भारतमभिवर्षं दक्षिणस्यां दिशि जलधिमभिप्रविशति
यस्यां स्नानार्थं चागच्छतः पुंसः पदे पदेऽश्वमेध
राजसूयादीनां फलं दुर्लभमिति ॥५
Tathai[a-E]va-Alakanandaa Dakssinnena Brahma-Sadanaad-Bahuuni Giri-Kuuttaany-Atikramya
Hemakuuttaad-Dhaimakuuttaany-Ati-Rabhasatara-Ramhasaa Lutthayantii
Bhaaratam-Abhivarssam Dakssinnasyaam Dishi Jaladhim-Abhipravishati
Yasyaam Snaana-Artham Ca-Agacchatah Pumsah Pade Pade-[A]shvamedha
Raajasuuya-[A]adiinaam Phalam Na Durlabham-Iti ||SB 5.17.9||

9.1: Similarly, river Alakananda flows from the southern side of the abode of Brahma, and crossing many mountain peaks, ...
9.2: ... It rolls down (i.e. fall) on Hemakuta and Himakuta mountains with great force, ...
9.3: ... and then raining on (i.e. entering) Bharatavarsha, flows towards the south and enters the Ocean,
9.4: By taking bath in this (holy river), for a person to obtain at every step, the fruits of Ashwamedha, ...
9.5: ... Rajasuya and other yagyas is not very difficult.


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Translated by greenmesg

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3. Pilgrimages
4. Festivals
5. Saints: Ramakrishna - Vivekananda - Ramana
6. Sadhana
7. Sanskrit
8. Nature

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May there be Peace in the Sky,
May there be Peace in the Earth,

(Shanti Mantra of Upanishad)

Preserve Nature,
And Nature will preserve Us,
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And help Nature thrive,
Plant Trees,
And make our planet Green.

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Green Message: The Evergreen Messages of Spirituality, Sanskrit and Nature

Last updated on Jan-2025

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